11Some joys are better expressed in silence
like a Smile holds more meaning than a laughter.
Once i asked myself,
"Did i enjoy meeting you in my life ..?"
i just smiled.

124🍃 *यदि हर कोई आप से खुश है*
- Krishna Yadav
*तो ये निश्चित है कि आपने जीवन*
*में बहुत से समझौते किये हैं...*
*यदि आप सबसे खुश हैं*
*तो ये निश्चित है कि आपने लोगों*
*की बहुत सी ग़लतियों*
*को नज़रअंदाज़ किया है।*
🍇 🍒 🌻 *सुप्रभात* 🌻 🍒 🍇
🌷 *आपका दिन शुभ एवं मंगलमय हो* 🌷
Hindi |
21A tongue has no bones
but it is strong enough
to break a heart .
Be careful with your words.
English |
3411तुम मेरे बारे में कोई राय ना कायम करना,
मेरा वक़्त बदलेगा तुम्हारी राय बदल जाएगी..
Hindi |
10We are like tea bags, whose true strength
comes out when put in hot water.
So when problems upset you,
just stop and think that
you must be GOD 's favorite cup of tea.

00If your dog is fat,
you aren’t getting enough exercise.
English |
309"Khwahisho ke Kaafile bhi
bade Ajeeb hote hai,
Ye Guzarte wahi se hain Jahan
Raste Nahi hote..."
Urdu |
00The saddest aspect of life right now is that
science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. - Isaac Asimov
English |
20The happiest people
don't have everything in life ..
They just make the best of everything
that life brings their way..
10There's a lot of difference between Dream and Aim..
Dreams require sleep to be seen.
But Aims require sleepless days and nights to be fulfilled..
20If we can't be as sharp as a pencil to write someone's happiness
Let us at least be as soft as an eraser to erase someone's sadness.
English |
6425Once there was a CROW.
Uton pendi c SNOW.
Crow ne peeti WINE.
Crow ban gaya LION.
Ohne road te maareya LALKAARAA.
Truck thalle aa ke mar gaya VICHAARAA.
Moral: Ghar beh k pio.
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