11If you don’t see it with your eyes ,
don’t invent it with your mouth.
English |

60उनके खत मैं पढ़ता भी तो कैसे
स्याही नहीं वो जज़्बातों से लिखते थे
सच कहने सुनने से दुःख होता
इसलिए मख़मली ख़्वाबों के पुलिंदे सीते थे ..
Hindi |
10Mark of greatness can only be worn
with a cap of compassion..
English |
328Kisi insaan ki khushi ki wajah bano,
khushi ka hissa nahi aur
kisi bhi insaan ke dukh ka hissa bano,
dukh ki wajah nahi.
33Never search your happiness in others
which will make you feel alone,
search it in yourself..
you will be happy even when you are left alone.

60Silence is the best answer for all questions.
Smiling is the best reaction in all situations.
neither of them
helps in interview..
20We always miss a very special someone in life
only for two reasons:
Either that person was always with you or
you always wanted to be with that person.
00If you want to know where your heart is,
look where your mind goes when it wanders..
English |
00Listen and Silent are two words
with the same letters and
are very important for
every relationship because
only a few people in this world can
Listen to you when you are silent..
30If someone argues or makes fun of you,
Don't Mind it,
because it is the law of nature
that the tree which bears the sweetest fruits
gets the maximum number of stones.
194अक्सर लोगों के मोबाइल चोरी हो जाते हैं
या फिर तेज़ bike से छीने जाते हैं
साहब रिपोर्ट में गुमा हुआ लिखवाते हैं
कौन जाने उनमें से कितने ही मिल पाते हैं
आखिर क्यों चोरी के मोबाइल network coverage पाते हैं
क्यों नहीं वो permanent lock हो जाते हैं
क्यों वो service centre गए बिना factory reset हो जाते हैं
क्यों उनके parts grey market में बिक जाते हैं
साहब मोबाइल ढूंढें कैसे
इस शहर में लापता कई दर्जन आदमी मिल नहीं पाते हैं ..
Hindi |
40A Mechanic was removing some engine parts
from a bike when he saw a Heart Surgeon in his shop.
He called the Surgeon and said:
Look at this engine.
I opend its Heart , took the valves out,
repaired and put them back.
So why do I get such a small salary and
you get such a huge sum.?
The Doctor smiled at the Mechanic and
came close to his ear and said:
Try the same thing when the engine is runing..
English |
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