Sometimes in life we feel so blue,
but someone somewhere is not happy as you.
Somewhere far at the border when a soldier sleeps,
missing his loved ones he silently weeps.
Somewhere a mother painfully sighs because
her new born baby didn't open her eyes .
Somewhere a poor dad silently cries,
when he sees his son begging for a bowl of rice.
Somewhere in an orphanage a little girl is sad,
when she misses her mom and dad.
So at times a reason to smile you may not have any,
say to yourself that you are happier than many.
Because life is beautiful and it's not always blue,
and someone somewhere is not as happy as you.




Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and
expecting the other person to die.


English |

मुझे चाँद पर जाने की ख़्वाहिश नहीं
दे सको तो निर्भया - दिशा के हत्यारों को फांसी दो
बहन - बेटी का हो जहाँ सम्मान ऐसा संसार दो ..


Hindi |

A teacher asked what is forgiveness?

A cute little girl gave this reply :
It is the wonderful smell that a flower gives
even when it is being crushed.




Somebody Asked GOD :
I Want Peace.
GOD replied:
Remove The I, That Is Ego.
Remove The Want, Desire & Peace will Be Automatically there.



जीवन में उपर उठते हुए, सभी लोगो से अदब से पेश आये ..!!
क्युंकी नीचे गिरते समय आपको इन लोगो से दुबारा मिलना पड़ेगा ..!!

- Vikas Umrao


Hindi |

Sometimes in life we feel so blue,
but someone somewhere is not happy as you.
Somewhere far at the border when a soldier sleeps,
missing his loved ones he silently weeps.
Somewhere a mother painfully sighs because
her new born baby didn't open her eyes .
Somewhere a poor dad silently cries,
when he sees his son begging for a bowl of rice.
Somewhere in an orphanage a little girl is sad,
when she misses her mom and dad.
So at times a reason to smile you may not have any,
say to yourself that you are happier than many.
Because life is beautiful and it's not always blue,
and someone somewhere is not as happy as you.



Just because I freak out
doesn’t mean you have to..


English |

All news channels have understood that
we are interested more in number of daily covid cases then
listening to farm bills and farmers protest..


English |

Animals do not smoke, drink nor take drugs
- except in laboratories.


English |

Be someone's choice, reason, priority
but never an option..!


English |

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