60उनके खत मैं पढ़ता भी तो कैसे
स्याही नहीं वो जज़्बातों से लिखते थे
सच कहने सुनने से दुःख होता
इसलिए मख़मली ख़्वाबों के पुलिंदे सीते थे ..
Hindi |

133दुश्मनी का सफ़र एक कदम दो कदम
- Niranjan Morwal
तुम भी थक जाओगे, हम भी थक जाएंगे ..
Hindi |
10Even on the most exalted throne in the world
we are only sitting on our own bottom. - Michel de Montaigne
English |
00If you want to know where your heart is,
look where your mind goes when it wanders..
English |
00Those who cannot remember the past
are condemned to repeat it.
English |

20What is trust?????
Trust is a feeling that a one year child has,
when u throw him in thr air,
he laughs because he knows that you will catch him, without falling.
10Earning stale bread is more important
than getting clean air..
English |
00If one does not know to which port he is sailing,
no wind is favorable.
- Seneca
English |
10To dream of the person
you would like to be
is to waste the person you are..
English |
11Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;
courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen .
English |
00He who knows to stop at what he does not know is perfect.
43लोग ऐसे भी इस बस्ती में
जिन्हें नज़र तो आता है
मगर नज़रिया नहीं
यहाँ चेहरों की रौनक बढ़ाने की ख़ातिर
हज़ार नुस्ख़े आज़माये जाते हैं ..
Hindi |
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