अक्सर लोगों के मोबाइल चोरी हो जाते हैं
या फिर तेज़ bike से छीने जाते हैं
साहब रिपोर्ट में गुमा हुआ लिखवाते हैं
कौन जाने उनमें से कितने ही मिल पाते हैं
आखिर क्यों चोरी के मोबाइल network coverage पाते हैं
क्यों नहीं वो permanent lock हो जाते हैं
क्यों वो service centre गए बिना factory reset हो जाते हैं
क्यों उनके parts grey market में बिक जाते हैं
साहब मोबाइल ढूंढें कैसे
इस शहर में लापता कई दर्जन आदमी मिल नहीं पाते हैं ..


Hindi |


Never cry for anyone in life
because for the one whom you cry,
doesn't deserve your tears &
the one who deserves it,
will never let you cry.



When man's attachments are deep,
their divine endowments are shallow.


English |

We always miss a very special someone in life
only for two reasons:
Either that person was always with you or
you always wanted to be with that person.



People often feel something but
express something else.
They mean something but
say something else.
One should learn the art of saying nothing
in such a way..
that it leaves nothing unsaid.




Never be proud nor be depressed for what you are and
for the position you hold because
after the game of chess
the king and soldiers go into the same box..



SHE the creator,
SHE the care-taker,
SHE the destroyer..
SHE the beauty,
SHE the ugly..
SHE the u,
SHE am i..
Souls free,
Spirits immortal..



Concentrated political power
is the most dangerous thing on earth. - Rudolph Rummel


English |

Mujhe tum rooh me basa lete to acha tha Faraz ..
Dil-o-Jaan ke rishte to aksar toot jaya karte hain..


Urdu |

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which has the potential to turn a life around.


English |

Mann apna purana paapi hai,
barson mein namaazi ban na saka..


Hindi |

The relations which require effort
to be maintained are never true and
if relations are true they never require
any effort to be maintained.



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