हजारों खिज्र पैदा कर चुकी है नस्ल आदम की,
ये सब तस्लीम लेकिन आदमी अब तक भटकता है ..

खिज्र - पैग़म्बर, मार्गदर्शक
तस्लीम - स्वीकार


Hindi |


We all are born in this world for some special purpose..
None of us are waste..
So, don't be a prisoner of past but
be an architect of your future..



The relations which require effort
to be maintained are never true and
if relations are true they never require
any effort to be maintained.



Always refresh your mind.
Delete your mistakes.
Create your own dream.
Minimise your negative thoughts.
Maximise your target.
Shut down your worries and
Be Happy always..



उनके खत मैं पढ़ता भी तो कैसे
स्याही नहीं वो जज़्बातों से लिखते थे
सच कहने सुनने से दुःख होता
इसलिए मख़मली ख़्वाबों के पुलिंदे सीते थे ..


Hindi |


Best end is Friend .
Best stand is Understand.
Best age is Courage.
Best work is Hardwork.
Best day is Today.
Think best n be best..



Bill Gates give Rs. 50 tip to waiter.
Waiter: Sir, yesterday your son gave Rs. 500 tip and
you gave only 50..?
Bill Gates: He is the son of a millionaire,
I am the son of a farmer..



Sex is a game,
guy play it 'n gal get the blame,,,
1 ride of pleasure, 9 month of pain then
in the hospital CHOTU needs a name.



Yeh shaayari kaam nahi unka jo raat din bottlo me doobe raha karte hai,
Yeh to sirf wo kar sakte hai jo nasha kalam se kiya karte hai.


Hindi |

Sometimes in life we feel so blue,
but someone somewhere is not happy as you.
Somewhere far at the border when a soldier sleeps,
missing his loved ones he silently weeps.
Somewhere a mother painfully sighs because
her new born baby didn't open her eyes .
Somewhere a poor dad silently cries,
when he sees his son begging for a bowl of rice.
Somewhere in an orphanage a little girl is sad,
when she misses her mom and dad.
So at times a reason to smile you may not have any,
say to yourself that you are happier than many.
Because life is beautiful and it's not always blue,
and someone somewhere is not as happy as you.



Nothing is so embarrassing
as watching someone do something
that you said couldn't be done. -Sam Ewing


English |

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