212तू अंधेरों के सफ़र में हमसफ़र ढूँढने चला है नादां
हमने रौशनी में भी सायो को कतराते देखा हैं ..
Hindi |

20I cultivate in my soldiers the courage of
dying without killing.
I believe that non-violence is
infinitely superior to violence,
forgiveness more manly than punishment. - MK Gandhi
English |
00The direct use of force is such a poor solution
to any problem,
it is generally employed only by small children
and large nations.
- David Friedman
English |
40लटका दिए आखिरकार निर्भया के गुनहगार
आज हर मां के दिल से आती होगी यही पुकार
धन्यवाद भारत के कानून धन्यवाद भारत सरकार ।
Hindi |
30I want to stand as close to the edge as I can
without going over.
Out on the edge, you see all kinds of things
you can’t see from the center..
English |

11When God helps u in trouble,
u believe in His ability.
When He doesn't help u don't mistake him because
those times He believes in your ability.
00If you want to know where your heart is,
look where your mind goes when it wanders..
English |
01You’ll never know if its the right decision if you never make it.
English |
10We all live in glass houses
the sooner we realise
the better it will be..
English |
00Those who cannot remember the past
are condemned to repeat it.
English |
217Rone se kisi ko Paya nahi Jata,
Khone se kisiko Bhulaya nahi Jata,
Waqt Sabko Milta hai
Zindagi Badalne ke liye,
Par Zindagi nahi Milti
Waqt Badalne ke liye..
Hindi |
00Human race is a young species
which cannot survive without oxygen..
English |
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