मस्तिष्क का सदुपयोग करने से
विपत्तियों पर अंकुश लगा रहता है ..


Hindi |


These mountains that you are carrying,
you were only supposed to climb.
- Najwa Zebian


English |

Two things always in life to be remembered :
1. Don't take any decision when you are angry and
2. Don't make any promise when you are happy ..


English |

A famous soldier came to the master Hakuin and asked:
"Master, tell me: is there really a heaven and a hell?"

"Who are you?" asked Hakuin.

"I am a soldier of the great Emperor's personal guard."

"Nonsense!" said Hakuin.
"What kind of emperor would have you around him?
To me you look like a beggar!"
At this, the soldier started to rattle his big sword in anger.
"Oho!" said Hakuin.
"So you have a sword!
I'll wager it's much too dull to cut my head off!"

At this the soldier could not hold himself back.
He drew his sword and threatened the master, who said:
"Now you know half the answer! You are opening the gates of hell!"

The soldier drew back, sheathed his sword, and bowed.
"Now you know the other half," said the master.
"You have opened the gates of heaven ."


English |

Secret of Living a Magical Life
Base your choices not upon your fears,
but rather your hopes.
Not on what you fear might happen,
but on what you hope will happen. - Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard


English |


You are a king by your own fireside,
as much as any monarch is in his throne.


English |

Do not dwell in the past,
do not dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the present moment. - Buddha


English |


Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than.
Be not for or against.


Malayalam |

There are two ways of spreading light -
to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
- Edith Wharton, Vesalius in Zante


English |

किसी से बिगाड़ो मत
दुनिया गोल है

Meaning - Don't ruin your relation with anyone
you may need them at some point in your life ..


Hindi |


Somebody asked God : I Want Peace.
God Replied: Remove the I, that Is Ego.
Remove the Want, that Is Desire &
Peace will be automatically there.


English |

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