अहंकार मिटाने का सरल उपाय :
स्वयं से कम साधन वाले मनुष्य
के चरण स्पर्श का भाव
हृदय में धारण करने से
अहंकार कई कोस दूर रहता है ..


Hindi |


प्रत्येक आत्मा स्वयं में सर्वज्ञ और आनंदमय है
आनंद बाहर से नहीं आता ..


Hindi |

First time experience of anything you do
as a child or adult
will always be more clearer in memory than
subsequent repetitions..


English |

My religion is very simple.
My religion is kindness.
- Dalai Lama XIV


English |

The purpose of human life is
to learn.
To learn to listen .
To learn to smile.
To learn to give.
To learn to forgive.
To learn to say thanks.
To learn to say I love you.
To learn to accept.
To learn to respect.
To learn to help.
To learn to admire.
To learn to experience.
To learn to explore.
To learn to be curious.
To learn to play.
To learn to be calm.
To learn to be friendly.
To learn to be willing.
To learn to be ready.
To learn to lead.
To learn to be humane.
To learn compassion.
To learn persistence.
To learn gratitude.
To learn to appreciate.
To learn to take risks.
To learn to guide.
To learn to recite.
To learn to feel.
To learn to follow.
To learn to fight.
To learn to ignore.
To learn to try.
To learn to enjoy.
To learn to fall.
To learn to rise.


English |


A broken egg is worth an omelette only.


English |

Silence isn't empty,
it's full of answers..


English |


कुत्ते की पूँछ पर पैर रखने से
अगर वो काट ले
तो गलती कुत्ते की नहीं होती ..


Hindi |

Never return to a doctor
whose office plants have died.


English |

Ask and you will receive.
Seek and you will find.
Knock and it will be opened to you.


English |


A guy yells across the river,
"Hey, how do you get to the other side of this river?"
Another guy on the other side yells back,
"You are on the other side!"


English |

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