00He who speaks, sows;
he who listens, reaps. - Argnetine proverb
English |
00When a crow is killed by a storm,
the fortuneteller says, “He died by my curse.”
English |
English |
00Close to a blacksmith, learn to hammer out nails;
close to a carpenter, learn how to use a saw.
- Chinese Proverb
English |
00The child has to crawl till it learns to walk.
- Norwegian proverb
English |
10No one knows where the shoe pinches, but he who wears it.
English |
00A day of hunger is not starvation.
English |
00Strike while the iron is hot.
English |
01He that speaks ill of his wife dishonors himself.
English |
00When you converse, let it be with the wise;
when you give food, let it be to the hungry.
- Chinese Proverb
English |
00Easy come, easy go.
English |
00There is nothing so bad that
it cannot be worse.
- Norwegian proverb
English |
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