00One beam, no matter how big,
cannot support an entire house on its own.
- Chinese Proverb
English |
00The Thief is sorry he is to be hanged,
but not that he is a Thief.
English |
00Rats desert a sinking ship.
English |
00Rather suffer for truth than
get rewarded for lies.
- Norwegian proverb
English |
00Set a thief to catch a thief.
English |
00Whoever loves me, loves my dog.
English |
00You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla.
English |
00If you have much, give of your wealth;
if you have little, give of your heart .
- Arabian Proverb
English |
00He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.
- Chinese ProverbDetails:
Once a dangerous or troublesome venture is begun, the safest course is to carry it through to the end.
English |
00Advice after mischief
is like medicine after death..
English |
00By trying repeatedly, the monkey learns how to jump from the tree.
English |
00A pot that belongs to many is ill stirred and worse boiled.
English |
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