00We believe what we see..
What do you do when you’re in the dark..? - Yann Martel, Life of Pi
English |

20मैं तराशता रहा , पत्थर मिटता रहा
क्या बना मुझे याद नहीं ..
Hindi |
20When ignorance is bliss,
it may be foolish to be wise..
English |
20One of the most difficult thing to give away is kindness.
It is usually returned.
English |
10Things are never so bad that
they are not good for something.
- Norwegian proverb
English |

11Jave mushk baetaraz yak tau daegil
kam awaaz hargiz nadini khazal..
- Sheikh SaadiDetails:
Those who speak less or think before speaking never land in trouble.
Persian |
11Give evil nothing to oppose and
it will disappear itself..
- Lao Tzu
English |
01वाणी के अनुशासन में असत्य बोलने से बचना और
मौन का पालन करना शामिल हैं ..
Hindi |

10The theory of evolution has told us that
future of a species is directly proportional
to its adaptability
provided there is no cosmic strike..
English |
30It is in the ability to open our eyes and minds
where limitless wonders are discovered..
English |
31Where there is ruin,
there is hope for a treasure..
- Jalaluddin Rumi
English |

00Sekiso, a famous Zen teacher, asked:
"A man sits on top of a hundred-foot pole.
How can he go farther up?"
A master answered:
"He should reach for enlightenment.
Then he can stand up into all four corners of the sky at once."
English |
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