
Fish said to water : you won't see my tears,
because I am in the water.
Water replied : But I can feel your tears
because you are in my heart .
That's Friendship !


English |

ना साथी है कोई ना हमसफ़र है कोई
ना हम किसी के हैं ना हमारा है कोई
पर आपको याद करके कह सकते हैं कि
एक प्यार सा दोस्त हमारा भी है कोई..।


Hindi |


आदतें अलग हैं मेरी दुनिया वालों से
कम दोस्त रखता हूँ
पर लाजवाब रखता हूँ..


Hindi |

LOVE is the word which is not only made for lovers...
It is also made for some special friends who
always LOVE us more than lovers..!!


English |


A real friend is a
Smile when you are sad,
Hope when you are disappointed,
Guide when you are lost,
Song when you are happy ,
Company when you are lonely, n
Help when you are helpless.



The importance of a good friend in our LIFE " id="link23" class="smsLink"> lives
is like that of HEARTBEATS.
Though they are not visible but
they silently support the gift called LIFE ..




Alone i can say but 2gthr v can chat,
Alone i can smile but 2gthr we can laugh,
Alone i can live but 2gthr we can celebrate.
Dis is d magic of r friendship ..

- Tarun Goma

English |

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