01Faith can move mountains.
Doubt can create them.

00A Foolish man tells a woman to STOP talking, but
a WISE man tells her
that she looks extremely BEAUTIFUL
when her LIPS are CLOSED..
English |
40Amongst us many fail to understand that
we can have God without religion..
English |
10The biggest enemy of success is "Fear of Failure"
- Hemant Singh
So when FEAR knocks at your DOOR,
send COURAGE to open the DOOR
success will wait for you.
English |
00When you fish for love ,
bait with your heart , not your brain.
- Mark Twain
English |

00केवल वह व्यक्ति जो भय को पार कर चुका है
समता को अनुभव कर सकता है ..
Hindi |
10Response is one of the most powerful weapon to occupy a place in Someone's Heart .
- Hemant Singh
So, always give your Best Response..
English |
11Give evil nothing to oppose and
it will disappear itself..
- Lao Tzu
English |

62अहंकार मिटाने का सरल उपाय :
स्वयं से कम साधन वाले मनुष्य
के चरण स्पर्श का भाव
हृदय में धारण करने से
अहंकार कई कोस दूर रहता है ..
Hindi |
00A famous soldier came to the master Hakuin and asked:
"Master, tell me: is there really a heaven and a hell?"
"Who are you?" asked Hakuin.
"I am a soldier of the great Emperor's personal guard."
"Nonsense!" said Hakuin.
"What kind of emperor would have you around him?
To me you look like a beggar!"
At this, the soldier started to rattle his big sword in anger.
"Oho!" said Hakuin.
"So you have a sword!
I'll wager it's much too dull to cut my head off!"
At this the soldier could not hold himself back.
He drew his sword and threatened the master, who said:
"Now you know half the answer! You are opening the gates of hell!"
The soldier drew back, sheathed his sword, and bowed.
"Now you know the other half," said the master.
"You have opened the gates of heaven ."
English |
00A monk asked Tianping Congyi,
"The mountains, rivers and the great earth -
from where did all of these things comes forth?"
Tianping replied, "From where did this question come forth?"
English |

00Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than.
Be not for or against.
Malayalam |
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