93तेरी हर करतूत मेरी नज़र में है
इंसान वो जो जान ले मंज़िल क़ब्र में है ..
Hindi |

41Problems and difficulties are just like a washing machine.
- Vikas Umrao
It twist us, spin us and knock us but
at the end we come out clean.
English |
266Agar zindagi jeeni hai maze mein,
to nafrat se bhi mohabbat karna seekh.
01Be grateful that you don't have everything you want!
So that you have the opportunity of being happier tomorrow,
than you are today..!!
English |
11If you are not paying
you are not the customer
but you are the product..
English |

10Earning stale bread is more important
than getting clean air..
English |
10Mohammed, a Pakistani child entered his classroom
on the first day of school in USA.
'What's your name?', asked the teacher.
'Mohammed' - answered the kid.
'You are in America now..
From Now your name will be Johnny' - replied the teacher.
In the evening Mohammed returned home.
'How was your day, Mohammed?' - asked his mother.
'My name is not Mohammed. I am in America and
now me name is Johnny'.
'Ah, are you ashamed of your name,
are your trying to dishonour your parents,
your heritage, your religion? Shame on you', and
she beats him. Then she calls his father and
he too beats him.
The next day Mohammed returned to school.
When the teacher saw him with all the bruises she asked
'What happened to you little Johnny?'
'Well Madam, 4 hours after becoming an American..
I was attacked by two Pakistani's..at home..'
00Today will never come again.
Be a blessing, be a friend .
Encourage someone.
Take time to care.
Let your words heal and not wound.
English |
12We too often love things and use people,
when we should be using things and loving people..
English |
20Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which has the potential to turn a life around.
English |
263Apne Ghum Ki Numaish Na Kar,
Apne Nasib Ki Aazmaish Na Kar,
Jo Tera hai khud Aayega Tere Paas,
Har roz oose pane ki khwaish Na Kar.
Hindi |
24Discussion is an exchange of knowledge,
argument is an exchange of ignorance..
English |
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