70Let this day mark a new beginning
let this day sing a song
let this day bring peace and serenity
let this day be witnessed..
English |

328Look through the window
a new day has come
which is as beautiful as You..
English |
2811If You have a heart that obeys your mind
You can win the whole world !
If you have a mind that obeys your heart
You can win the love of so many hearts..
Good Morning ..!
English |
1516Secret military hacking code,
to crack read upside down..
English |
307Open the door
my SMS is coming to wish U.
Good Morning ..
English |

337First sip of morning tea
First ray of sunshine
First twitter of birds and
the my First SMS of today
all gathered to wish you a Wonderful Day..
English |
70Let this day mark a new beginning
let this day sing a song
let this day bring peace and serenity
let this day be witnessed..
English |
3412सुबह जब भी आती है
रौशनी लाती है
दुआ करते हैं की
आप सुबह के जैसे मुस्कुराते रहें
और रौशनी के जैसे खुशियाँ फैलाते रहें ..
Hindi |

308Every Morning is the Symbol of Rebirth of our Life ,
So Forget All Yesterday's bad Moments
Make today Beautiful..
Wish u A Lovely Morning..
English |
161A morning is not just sunrise
it's also catching the School Van..
English |
103Zindagi guzre haste-haste,
pyaar aur khushi mile raste-raste,
ho mubaarak aapko naya savera,
kabool karein humaara salaam-namaste.
Hindi |

59Each morning gives us a new opportunity
to see flowers, to hear birds and
to witness, share & spread divine love ..
English |
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