Nine lessons of Life :
Learn 2 Care, Learn 2 Cry
Learn 2 Smile, Learn 2 Give
Learn 2 Forgive, Learn 2 Share
Learn 2 Luv & Learn 2 Say
U Miss Me..


English |


Dil mein kuch nahi aaj yaadon ke siva
Aankho mein kuch nahi aapki tasveer ke siva
Mat saath chhodna humara
Kyonki zindgi mein kuch nahi hai aapke siva..


Hindi |

Not every bird can dance but
peacock did that.
Not every flower can represent Love but
rose did that.
Not every friend can reach upto Heart but
you did that..


English |


Bhool se agar bhool ho jaaye
to bhool smajhkar bhool jaana..
Bhulaana sirf bhool ko
bhoolkar bhi humein na bhool jaana..



आदतें अलग हैं मेरी दुनिया वालों से
कम दोस्त रखता हूँ
पर लाजवाब रखता हूँ..


Hindi |

Friendship is not that you can't make fun of me..
It's about making fun of me in the gruoup
with a promise in the heart
"Beta humaare alaawaa koi aur
tujhe kuch bol ke to dikhaaye"..




A friend is sweet when it's new.
It is sweeter when it is true!
But you know what..?
It is sweetest when it is you..



Nobody teaches the sun to rise,
a river to flow,
a fish to swim,
a bird to fly,
a plant to grow,
a child to cry,
and nobody teaches heart to choose a friend like YOU.



Forgetting you is hard to do,
forgetting me is upto you,
forget me not, forget me never
and you'll have a best friend forever.




Who is a dost ..?
dost woh jo bin bulaaye aaye,
bewajah sir khaae,
jeb khaali karwaaye,
kabhi sataaye,
kabhi hasaaye,
kabhi rulaaye,
magar hamesha saath nibhaaye.



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