It's been learnt a long time back
that walking in a straight line
is the fastest way to reach destination..


English |


Too much agreement kills a chat.
- Eldridge Cleaver


English |

People will blame you if you say too much;
they will blame you if you say too little;
they will blame you if you say just enough.
No one in this world escapes blame..


English |

One of the most difficult thing to give away is kindness.
It is usually returned.


English |

किसी को तब तक नहीं बोलना चाहिए
जब तक उसे ऐसे करने के लिए कहा न जाय
उसे दूसरों की बातचीत में व्यवधान नहीं डालना चाहिए ..


Hindi |


A flower cannot give water
and a river cannot spread fragrance..

I can only distribute to the world what I have.
To spread love and peace I should have first peace within.


English |

Two things always in life to be remembered :
1. Don't take any decision when you are angry and
2. Don't make any promise when you are happy ..


English |

Experience the beauties of nature,
and in doing so learn about yourself.


English |


When you get to the top of the mountain,
Keep Climbing..


English |

We all have a personal path to pursue
but only a few are able to realize it.
The early we recognize it
the sooner we shall complete the journey ..


English |


Whatever happens always happens on time.


English |

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