A careless word may kindle strife;
a cruel word may wreck a life ;
a timely word may level stress;
a loving word may heal and bless..


English |


आतंक के ठेकेदारों का
हमें अंत चाहिए
रहे चमन में अमन
और क्या चाहिए
हर आँगन में खुशियाँ खेलें
हर सेज पर सुहागन हो
मेहँदी वाले हाथों में
हमें चूड़ी चाहिए
आतंक के ठेकेदारों का
हमें अंत चाहिए ..


Hindi |

Difference between ability and character:
Ability can take you at the top
It is character which keeps you at the top..



We are free men;
free to eat what we fancy, or
to eat intelligently and cultivate a healthier taste;
free to climb to the stars, and
free to slide down
into our own particular hell. - Al Koran


English |

A newspaper is not just for reporting the news as it is,
but to make people mad enough to do something about it.
- Mark Twain


English |


Duty is not collective,
it is personal.


English |

At times our examples can be wrong
but when our intentions become wrong
then there is a problem..


English |

Two things define you.
Your patience when you have nothing and
your attitude when you have everything..


English |

B-egin your day with
L-ove in ur heart
E-xpect blessings
S-hare goodness
S-hine like the sun
I-nspire someone
N-ever forget that
G-od is with you all the time



Life never seems to be the way we want it,
but we live in the best way we can.
There's no perfect Life but
we can fill it with perfect moments.....



Never make the same mistake twice,
there are so many new ones to make..
Try a different mistake each day.
Enjoy each day!!



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