Blessed are the flexible,
for they can tie themselves into knots.


English |


Doing nothing often leads to
the very best kind of something..


English |

Happiness is very close to us
however, we all forger to lean toward it.


English |

Somebody asked God : I Want Peace.
God Replied: Remove the I, that Is Ego.
Remove the Want, that Is Desire &
Peace will be automatically there.


English |


Secret of Living a Magical Life
Base your choices not upon your fears,
but rather your hopes.
Not on what you fear might happen,
but on what you hope will happen. - Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard


English |

A guy yells across the river,
"Hey, how do you get to the other side of this river?"
Another guy on the other side yells back,
"You are on the other side!"


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Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.


English |

Sekiso, a famous Zen teacher, asked:
"A man sits on top of a hundred-foot pole.
How can he go farther up?"

A master answered:
"He should reach for enlightenment.
Then he can stand up into all four corners of the sky at once."


English |


We believe what we see..
What do you do when you’re in the dark..? - Yann Martel, Life of Pi


English |

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