005 ways to be happy :
Free your heart from hatred.
Free your mind from worries.
Live simply and keep on smiling.
Expect less.
Have a deep relationship with God .
English |

00In Zen, we don't find the answers.
We lose the questions..
English |
00Stop talking and thinking and there is nothing you will not be able to know.
- Jianzhi Sengcan (Sosan)
English |
00प्रत्येक आत्मा स्वयं में सर्वज्ञ और आनंदमय है
आनंद बाहर से नहीं आता ..
Hindi |
10The biggest enemy of success is "Fear of Failure"
- Hemant Singh
So when FEAR knocks at your DOOR,
send COURAGE to open the DOOR
success will wait for you.
English |

00Grown men can learn from very little children -
for the hearts of little children are pure.
English |
00He that cannot reason is a fool.
He that will not is a bigot.
He that dare not is a slave.
- Andrew Carnegie
English |
00Pain is a gift.
The ancient seers believed that
those who suffered the most in life
were the most blesses..
English |

10Somebody asked God : I Want Peace.
God Replied: Remove the I, that Is Ego.
Remove the Want, that Is Desire &
Peace will be automatically there.
English |
00There are two sides to every story -
and then there’s the truth.
English |
11Give evil nothing to oppose and
it will disappear itself..
- Lao Tzu
English |

00When a thief sees a saint
all he sees are his pockets..
English |
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