When a thief sees a saint
all he sees are his pockets..


English |


He who delights in understanding the material world is not a Sage.
He who has personal attachments is not humane.
He who calculates the time of his actions is not wise.
He who does not know the interaction of benefit and harm is not a superior man.
He who pursues fame at the risk of losing his self is not a scholar.
He who loses his life and is not true to himself can never be a master of man..
- from The Book of Chuang Tzu


English |

You cannot teach navigation in the middle of a storm.


English |

कुत्ते की पूँछ पर पैर रखने से
अगर वो काट ले
तो गलती कुत्ते की नहीं होती ..


Hindi |


मूर्खता एक अभिशाप है
संभव हो तो मूर्ख व्यक्ति की
परछाई से भी बचें ..


Hindi |

Discover something that thought itself cannot think.


English |


It's been learnt a long time back
that walking in a straight line
is the fastest way to reach destination..


English |

How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterwards.
- Spanish proverb


English |


There are two sides to every story -
and then there’s the truth.


English |

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