The true men of old slept without dreams and
waked up without worries.
They ate with indifference to flavor, and
drew deep breaths.


English |


Ask and you will receive.
Seek and you will find.
Knock and it will be opened to you.


English |

नसीहत दी थी उस अनजान मौलवी ने इक रोज़
कैसे इंसान परखे जाते हैं
नुस्ख़ा ठीक जान नहीं पड़ता
वरना हम ज़रूर पास होते ..

Naseehat di thi us anjaan maulvi ne ik roz
kaise insaan parkhe jaate hain
nuskha theek jaan nahi padta
warna hum zaroor paas hote..


Hindi |

Reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom &
it cannot be equated..


English |

Discover something that thought itself cannot think.


English |


Barking of dogs
does not lessen
the alms of holy men..


English |

A donkey with a load of holy books
is still a donkey..


English |

Courage is what it takes to
Stand up and Speak.
Courage is also what it takes to
Sit down and Listen ..


English |


A flower cannot give water
and a river cannot spread fragrance..

I can only distribute to the world what I have.
To spread love and peace I should have first peace within.


English |

Blessed are the flexible,
for they can tie themselves into knots.


English |


The true Sage keeps his knowledge within him,
while men in general set forth theirs in argument,
in order to convince each other.
And therefore it is said that one who argues does so because
he cannot see certain points.


English |

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