00B-egin your day with
L-ove in ur heart
E-xpect blessings
S-hare goodness
S-hine like the sun
I-nspire someone
N-ever forget that
G-od is with you all the time

60उनके खत मैं पढ़ता भी तो कैसे
स्याही नहीं वो जज़्बातों से लिखते थे
सच कहने सुनने से दुःख होता
इसलिए मख़मली ख़्वाबों के पुलिंदे सीते थे ..
Hindi |
41Two beautiful & nice tips to stand strong in every condition:
Never take help of Tears to show ur Emotions &
Never take help of Words to show ur Anger..
10The past is like using
your rear-view mirror in the car,
its good to glance back
and see how far you've come,
but if you stare too long
you'll miss what's right in front of you..
English |
30Two things define you.
Your patience when you have nothing and
your attitude when you have everything..
English |

11Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.
- Vikas Umrao
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
- Confucius
English |
10Hospital is the only place where
the word "Positive" means a bad thing..
English |
155Apne dushman ko hazaar mouqay do ke woh tumhara dost ban jaye.
Apne dost ko ek bhi mouqa na do ke woh tumhara dushman ban jaye.
Hindi |
00All the flowers of tomorrow
are in the seeds of today..
English |
20Our country is a secular country:
In our country there are many religions..
But Keep one thing in mind..
'TEMPLE' is a 6 letter word..
'CHURCH' is a 6 letter word..
'MOSQUE' is a 6 letter word..
Also 'GEETA' is a 5 letter word..
'BIBLE' is a 5 letter word..
'QURAN' is a 5 letter word..
Thats unity..
Even letters are in unity, why dont we..?
124🍃 *यदि हर कोई आप से खुश है*
- Krishna Yadav
*तो ये निश्चित है कि आपने जीवन*
*में बहुत से समझौते किये हैं...*
*यदि आप सबसे खुश हैं*
*तो ये निश्चित है कि आपने लोगों*
*की बहुत सी ग़लतियों*
*को नज़रअंदाज़ किया है।*
🍇 🍒 🌻 *सुप्रभात* 🌻 🍒 🍇
🌷 *आपका दिन शुभ एवं मंगलमय हो* 🌷
Hindi |
21Simple line...
"Empty Pockets teaches million things in life ..."
"Full Pockets spoil U in million ways..."
English |
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