Where there is ruin,
there is hope for a treasure..
- Jalaluddin Rumi


English |


However beautiful the strategy,
you should occasionally look at the results. - Sir Winston Churchill


English |

A man was not made to shut up his mind in itself;
but to give it voice and to exchange it for other minds.


English |

Real integrity is doing the right thing,
knowing that nobody's going to know
whether you did it or not. - Oprah Winfrey


English |

We are just an advanced breed of monkeys
on a minor planet of a very average star.
But we can understand the Universe.
That makes us very special. - Stephen William Hawking


English |

He who fears being conquered
is sure of defeat. - Napoleon Bonaparte


English |

Democracy must be something more than
two wolves and a sheep voting on
what to have for dinner. - James Bovard


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Know when to tune out,
if you listen to too much advice
you may wind up making
other peoples mistakes.
- Ann Landers


English |

Learn from yesterday,
live for today,
hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
- Albert Einstein


English |

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