86वो नादाँ उनके झूठ को ले चल दिया
मुमकिन था मुस्कुराता अगर अपने दिल की सुन लेता ..
Hindi |

00Don't do something permanently stupid
just because you are temporarily upset..
English |
02When an ordinary man gains knowledge,
he is a sage.
When a sage gains understanding,
he is an ordinary man.
English |
108जिंदगी की हर तपिश को मुस्कुरा कर झेलिए
धूप कितनी भी हो समन्दर सूखा नहीं करते ।।
Hindi |
01Time has it's own nature &
Nature has it's own pace..
English |

00I couldn't repair your brakes,
so I made your horn louder.
English |
10Beautiful people are not always good but
good people are always beautiful..
English |
10A flower cannot give water
and a river cannot spread fragrance..Details:
I can only distribute to the world what I have.
To spread love and peace I should have first peace within.
English |

01Student: Master, must I always serve the law..?
Master: Hear the law; serve justice..
English |
00Laws of Nature are like wind.
They are always there and
for all of us..
English |
00One of the marvels of the world is
the sight of a soul sitting in prison
with the key in its hand.
- Jalaluddin Rumi
English |

10Repeat until it becomes your habit
then you don't have to repeat any further..
English |
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