थोड़ी राहत मिली है
हैदराबाद के दोषी मारे हैं
उन्नाव और दिल्ली के दरिंदे अब भी ज़िंदा हैं
बोलो कब उनकी बारी है ??


Hindi |


The happiest people
don't have everything in life ..
They just make the best of everything
that life brings their way..



Never make the same mistake twice,
there are so many new ones to make..
Try a different mistake each day.
Enjoy each day!!



अरुण जेटली  और अमित शाह एक सुर में गाते
कभी धर्म कभी आस्था पर निर्लज्जता से जनता को उकसाते
जो कर रहे माहिलाओं का निरादार उनको भक्त बताते
हाजी अली भूल मंदिर मुद्दे पर वोटों की रोटी सेके जाते ..


Hindi |

तुम मेरे बारे में कोई राय ना कायम करना,
मेरा वक़्त बदलेगा तुम्हारी राय बदल जाएगी..


Hindi |


No man ever steps in the same river twice,
for it's not the same river and he's not the same man. - Heraclitus


English |

We cannot do everything at once,
but we can do something at once.


English |

Sex is a game,
guy play it 'n gal get the blame,,,
1 ride of pleasure, 9 month of pain then
in the hospital CHOTU needs a name.



Life gives answers in three ways.
It says yes & gives you what you want.
It says no & gives you something better.
It says wait & gives you the best.



A person in solitude is subject to
all kinds of doubts and uncertainties at every moment.
Hence, the company of the holy and virtuous should be sought.


English |

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