373थोड़ी राहत मिली है
हैदराबाद के दोषी मारे हैं
उन्नाव और दिल्ली के दरिंदे अब भी ज़िंदा हैं
बोलो कब उनकी बारी है ??
Hindi |

00Simple But True :
If Your Name is on the building, you're RICH.
If Your Name is on your desk, you're MIDDLE CLASS.
If Your Name is on your shirt, you're POOR..
English |
10Flowers blossom even in forest,
where there is nobody to admire their beauty,
Lets continue our good work honestly,
Even if nobody appreciates us..
English |
20Why are we made to WRITE with PENCIL when we are SMALL
& later on with PEN?
made at that time are allowd to be ERASED
but not later on!
00Cooking is good
when it's not about stories..
English |

133सफ़र की लम्बाई मीलों से नहीं
तन्हाई से बयाँ होती है ..
Hindi |
00Children have trouble with objects
that have two names, or
objects that change names.
English |
124🍃 *यदि हर कोई आप से खुश है*
- Krishna Yadav
*तो ये निश्चित है कि आपने जीवन*
*में बहुत से समझौते किये हैं...*
*यदि आप सबसे खुश हैं*
*तो ये निश्चित है कि आपने लोगों*
*की बहुत सी ग़लतियों*
*को नज़रअंदाज़ किया है।*
🍇 🍒 🌻 *सुप्रभात* 🌻 🍒 🍇
🌷 *आपका दिन शुभ एवं मंगलमय हो* 🌷
Hindi |
22A newspaper is not just for reporting the news as it is,
but to make people mad enough to do something about it.
- Mark Twain
English |
20Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which has the potential to turn a life around.
English |
01Where facts cannot be found,
legends fill the empty space..
English |
3411तुम मेरे बारे में कोई राय ना कायम करना,
मेरा वक़्त बदलेगा तुम्हारी राय बदल जाएगी..
Hindi |
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