
तेरी हर करतूत मेरी नज़र में है
इंसान वो जो जान ले मंज़िल क़ब्र में है ..


Hindi |

One should never laugh upon anyone
seeing their present condition as
the enormous power of time
can turn simple coal to diamond..


English |

Duty is not collective,
it is personal.


English |

If someone argues or makes fun of you,
Don't Mind it,
because it is the law of nature
that the tree which bears the sweetest fruits
gets the maximum number of stones.




The ups & down in life are also very important to keep us going.
B'coz a straight line even in an "E.C.G." means we are not Alive.


English |

I always wonder why birds choose
to stay in the same place
when they can fly anywhere on the earth,
then I ask myself the same question.
- Harun Yahya


English |

Sometimes its better to bunk a class
and do masti with friends because
today when I look back..
Marks never make me laugh but memories do..!!


English |

Every fool can find faults
that a great many wise men can't remedy.


English |

People, food, colour, air, language everything changes..
But the sky looks the same wherever you go..


English |

We will not forgive, we will not forget,
we will hunt you down and make you pay.
- US President Joe Biden to Kabul attackers on 26 Aug 2021.


English |

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