60जब हर इंसान यह समझ जाएगा
कि जीवन बहुत छोटा है
तो स्वर्ग जाने के लिए
मरना नहीं पड़ेगा ..
Hindi |

10Grasp the moment;
you can’t power a mill with water
that has already passed by..
English |
10How small the heavens are, the frog can tell;
He's seen them! - from the bottom of the well.
English |
00Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu
English |
20A good merchant hides his goods
and appears to have nothing;
a skilled craftsman leaves no traces.
English |

62अहंकार मिटाने का सरल उपाय :
स्वयं से कम साधन वाले मनुष्य
के चरण स्पर्श का भाव
हृदय में धारण करने से
अहंकार कई कोस दूर रहता है ..
Hindi |
00As a fletcher makes straight his arrow,
a wise man makes straight his trembling and unsteady thought,
which is difficult to guard, difficult to hold back.
English |
00केवल वह व्यक्ति जो भय को पार कर चुका है
समता को अनुभव कर सकता है ..
Hindi |

40Amongst us many fail to understand that
we can have God without religion..
English |
20It is better to cry than to be angry,
- Hemant Singh
because anger hurts others while
tears flow silently through the soul and
cleanses the Heart ..
English |
00प्रत्येक आत्मा स्वयं में सर्वज्ञ और आनंदमय है
आनंद बाहर से नहीं आता ..
Hindi |

00A Foolish man tells a woman to STOP talking, but
a WISE man tells her
that she looks extremely BEAUTIFUL
when her LIPS are CLOSED..
English |
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