Grasp the moment;
you can’t power a mill with water
that has already passed by..


English |


वाणी के अनुशासन में असत्य बोलने से बचना और
मौन का पालन करना शामिल हैं ..


Hindi |

A donkey with a load of holy books
is still a donkey..


English |

मस्तिष्क का सदुपयोग करने से
विपत्तियों पर अंकुश लगा रहता है ..


Hindi |

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu


English |


A guy yells across the river,
"Hey, how do you get to the other side of this river?"
Another guy on the other side yells back,
"You are on the other side!"


English |

There is an original nature in things.
Things in their original nature are curved without the help of arcs,
straight without lines, round without compasses, and
rectangular without squares;
they are joined together without glue and
hold together without cords.
In this manner all things live and grow from an inner urge and
none can tell how they come to do so.


English |


Those who are at war with others
are not at peace with themselves..


English |

Never let a memory become stronger than a dream.


English |

Student: Master, must I always serve the law..?
Master: Hear the law; serve justice..


English |


Don't do something permanently stupid
just because you are temporarily upset..


English |

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