00If today were perfect,
there would be no need for tomorrow..
English |

50Trust is like an eraser,
it gets smaller and smaller
after every mistake..
English |
10People often feel something but
express something else.
They mean something but
say something else.
One should learn the art of saying nothing
in such a way..
that it leaves nothing unsaid.
10Dowry stands for
D - Donkeys
O - Of the first order
W - Who can't stand on their feet
R - Rely on their wives riches
Y - Yet shameless
English |
00Simple But True :
If Your Name is on the building, you're RICH.
If Your Name is on your desk, you're MIDDLE CLASS.
If Your Name is on your shirt, you're POOR..
English |

40लटका दिए आखिरकार निर्भया के गुनहगार
आज हर मां के दिल से आती होगी यही पुकार
धन्यवाद भारत के कानून धन्यवाद भारत सरकार ।
Hindi |
11The biggest mistake by human beings:
Listening half, understanding quarter, telling double..
English |
124🍃 *यदि हर कोई आप से खुश है*
- Krishna Yadav
*तो ये निश्चित है कि आपने जीवन*
*में बहुत से समझौते किये हैं...*
*यदि आप सबसे खुश हैं*
*तो ये निश्चित है कि आपने लोगों*
*की बहुत सी ग़लतियों*
*को नज़रअंदाज़ किया है।*
🍇 🍒 🌻 *सुप्रभात* 🌻 🍒 🍇
🌷 *आपका दिन शुभ एवं मंगलमय हो* 🌷
Hindi |
20It's not about being the best
It's about being better than you were yesterday..
English |
30One day in ur life a smart girl will come,
who will love u a lot..
she will touch u with love and
give u many Good Dreams..
And will say..
I love u Daddy..!
203Vishwas Ek Chhota Sa Shabd Hai,
Jiske Mayne Samjho To Bahut Hain.
Magar Mushkil Ye Hai Ki Logon Ko,
Apne SHAK Par VISHWAS Hai..!
Hindi |
174Aspire to acquire the desire
that you admire.
But in the process if you prespire
then do not retire but re-fire to
acquire the desire that you admire.
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