10People, food, colour, air, language everything changes..
But the sky looks the same wherever you go..
English |

11Best end is Friend .
Best stand is Understand.
Best age is Courage.
Best work is Hardwork.
Best day is Today.
Think best n be best..
11Never be proud nor be depressed for what you are and
for the position you hold because
after the game of chess
the king and soldiers go into the same box..
10If you tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe,
he'll believe you.
But if you tell him a bench has just been painted,
he'll have to touch it to be sure.
English |
199ना कोई किसी से दूर होता है
न कोई किसी के पास होता है
रिश्ते खुद चलके आते हैं
जब कोई किसी के नसीब में होता है ..
Hindi |

11Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;
courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen .
English |
00Life is an echo, all comes back,
the good, the bad, the false, and the true so,
give the world the best you have and
the best will come back to you.
103Ahsaas kaa andaaz badal jaata hai,
Warna aanchal bhi ussi taar se banta hai aur kafan bhi..
Hindi |
20Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. - Parkinson's Law
English |
76जो देखता हूँ वही बोलने का आदी हूँ
मैं अपने शहर का सबसे बड़ा फ़सादी हूँ.. - शकील शाह
Hindi |
41Problems and difficulties are just like a washing machine.
- Vikas Umrao
It twist us, spin us and knock us but
at the end we come out clean.
English |
10Everything that happens happens as it should,
and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so.
- Marcus Aurelius
English |
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