30If someone argues or makes fun of you,
Don't Mind it,
because it is the law of nature
that the tree which bears the sweetest fruits
gets the maximum number of stones.

00Satisfaction is the highest level of happiness and
it is easily attained when you have no expectation..
00Once all village people decided to pray for rain.
On the day of prayer , all people gathered and
only one boy came with an umbrella.
That's faith ..believe in yourself.
221मैं बचाता रहा दीमकों से घर अपना
और चंद कुर्सी के कीड़े पूरा मुल्क खा गए..
Hindi |
133सफ़र की लम्बाई मीलों से नहीं
तन्हाई से बयाँ होती है ..
Hindi |

01You’ll never know if its the right decision if you never make it.
English |
03We have fixed Minimum Support Price (MSP) for Farmers.
We have fixed GST & Income Tax slabs.
We have fixed tarrifs for TV channels.
We have fixed fuel prices.
We have TRAI, We have IRDAI.
But we do not have Education Regulatory.
Can we have a per child Fee Calculation Matrix
applicable to all private schools in India:
1. Air Condition Charges - 400 / month
2. Swimming Pool Charges - 100 / month
3. School Bus Charges - 1000 / month
4. Ph.D Teacher Fee - 200 / month
5. Post Graduate Teacher Fee - 100 / month
6. Graduate Teacher Fee - 50 / month
7. E-Classroom / Multimedia Fee - 30 / month
8. Miscellaneous Charges - 20 / month
9. Development Fee - 20 / month
10. Staff Salary - 100 / month
11. 10 percent Fee concession for Girl students.
12. 10 percent Fee concession for Armed and Para-Military Force wards.
13. 10 percent Fee concession for Divyang students.
14. 10 percent Fee concession for EWS category.
15. Minimum 30 percent Teachers need to be Ph.D.
16. Minimum 30 percent Teachers need to be Post Graduates.
17. Minimum 40 percent Teachers need to be Graduates..
English |
11Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;
courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen .
English |
20Some great purifiers :
Bath purifies Body
Meditation purifies Mind, Prayer purifies Soul,
Charity purifies Wealth, Fast purifies Health
Forgiveness purifies Relations..!
English |
51Learn to Laugh
Learn to Love
Learn to Drink
Learn to Share
Learn to See
But learning shall not take you anywhere
But then how shall you learn this..
English |
10Dowry stands for
D - Donkeys
O - Of the first order
W - Who can't stand on their feet
R - Rely on their wives riches
Y - Yet shameless
English |
40A Mechanic was removing some engine parts
from a bike when he saw a Heart Surgeon in his shop.
He called the Surgeon and said:
Look at this engine.
I opend its Heart , took the valves out,
repaired and put them back.
So why do I get such a small salary and
you get such a huge sum.?
The Doctor smiled at the Mechanic and
came close to his ear and said:
Try the same thing when the engine is runing..
English |
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