00We believe what we see..
What do you do when you’re in the dark..? - Yann Martel, Life of Pi
English |

10Knowledge is a treasure but
practice is the key to it..
- Lao Tzu
English |
20Courage is what it takes to
Stand up and Speak.
Courage is also what it takes to
Sit down and Listen ..
English |
10Do not be deceived by a sudden good behavior
put up by others who are noted by attitude ,
this is just done to prevent certain things from happening
so if you are wise you will think twice.
English |
01Student: Master, must I always serve the law..?
Master: Hear the law; serve justice..
English |

00What the enemy cannot see
he cannot kill..
English |
94फुर्सत - ए - ज़िन्दगी को ना रुकसत होने दीजिए हमदम
ये वो नियामत जो सबके क़रीब नहीं होती ..
Urdu |
86वो नादाँ उनके झूठ को ले चल दिया
मुमकिन था मुस्कुराता अगर अपने दिल की सुन लेता ..
Hindi |

62अहंकार मिटाने का सरल उपाय :
स्वयं से कम साधन वाले मनुष्य
के चरण स्पर्श का भाव
हृदय में धारण करने से
अहंकार कई कोस दूर रहता है ..
Hindi |
10Happiness is very close to us
however, we all forger to lean toward it.
English |
00Secret of Living a Magical Life
Base your choices not upon your fears,
but rather your hopes.
Not on what you fear might happen,
but on what you hope will happen. - Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard
English |

10Response is one of the most powerful weapon to occupy a place in Someone's Heart .
- Hemant Singh
So, always give your Best Response..
English |
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