00Those dull of understanding do not perceive that
however you conceal small things in larger ones,
there will always be a chance of losing them.
But if you entrust that which belongs to the universe
to the whole universe, from it there will be no escape.
For this is the great law of things.
English |

00What the enemy cannot see
he cannot kill..
English |
00We eat, excrete, sleep , and get up;
this is our world .
All we have to do after that –
is to die.
- Dõka (way song/poem) by Zen master Ikkyû Sojun
English |
00Do not dwell in the past,
do not dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the present moment. - Buddha
English |
00As a fletcher makes straight his arrow,
a wise man makes straight his trembling and unsteady thought,
which is difficult to guard, difficult to hold back.
English |

00Barking of dogs
does not lessen
the alms of holy men..
English |
01Faith can move mountains.
Doubt can create them.
00When I let go of what I am
I become what I might be..
- Lao Tzu
English |

00Always be yourself.
Never take yourself too seriously.
And beware the advice from
experts, pigs, and members of Parliament.
English |
10Repeat until it becomes your habit
then you don't have to repeat any further..
English |
10Without detailed understanding,
confidence cannot be attained.
English |

10How small the heavens are, the frog can tell;
He's seen them! - from the bottom of the well.
English |
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