When God helps u in trouble,
u believe in His ability.
When He doesn't help u don't mistake him because
those times He believes in your ability.




Best lines For a Practical Life :

"I Have Many Problems In My Life ,


My Lips Doesn't Know.

They, Always Smile...."



Best end is Friend .
Best stand is Understand.
Best age is Courage.
Best work is Hardwork.
Best day is Today.
Think best n be best..



People were created to be loved and
things were created to be used.
Chaos happens when things are being loved and
people are being used..


English |


Earth is just like any other planet in the universe
it has got dust & it has got dust storms..


English |

रैली करके आइए
मज़मे लगाइए
गंगा में डुबकी लगा
सारे पाप धो आइए
कोविड महामारी बढ़े
तो जनता कर्फ्यू लगाइए।


Hindi |

Never explain yourself to anyone because
the person who likes you doesn't need it and
the person who dislike you wouldn't believe it.



Two things define you.
Your patience when you have nothing and
your attitude when you have everything..


English |

🍃 *यदि हर कोई आप से खुश है*
*तो ये निश्चित है कि आपने जीवन*
*में बहुत से समझौते किये हैं...*
*यदि आप सबसे खुश हैं*
*तो ये निश्चित है कि आपने लोगों*
*की बहुत सी ग़लतियों*
*को नज़रअंदाज़ किया है।*
🍇 🍒 🌻 *सुप्रभात* 🌻 🍒 🍇
🌷 *आपका दिन शुभ एवं मंगलमय हो* 🌷

- Krishna Yadav

Hindi |

Everything that happens happens as it should,
and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so.
- Marcus Aurelius


English |

Try To Present Yourself That You Are Happy
Slowly It Becomes Your Habit & Finally
It Becomes Your Character.



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